Training a New Generation of Christian Students Around the World in the Historic Theology of the Reformation

Founder's Vision

Reformed theological education has been on the decline in America and around the world since the latter part of the nineteenth century. Many of the institutions which were established to provide a solid Reformed education, especially in training ministers of the Gospel, have been subsequently compromised. Ineffective leaders quickly sold their birthrights for the mess of pottage of the more popular systems of theology. These institutions, while remaining evangelical, have abandoned the distinctives of the Reformation. As a result, the pulpits of our churches are too often manned by graduates trained in defective theology by defective institutions.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth G. Talbot (1954-2022)​​

Classical Reformed Education from Esteemed Lecturers

Dr. Todd Ruddell

Covenant Theology

Dr. Bill Higgins

Church History

Dr. Kenneth Gentry


Dr. George Grant


A Pioneer
in Distance Education

Founded in 1980. When distance education was frowned upon, or considered to offer a less than effective education, Whitefield offered its students the opportunity to work towards their degree in the privacy and comfort of their own home.

"Whether a person is pursuing a first theological degree with no prior training in theology or biblical studies, or if they already have a degree from a Bible college or seminary and wish to pursue further studies, Whitefield Seminary offers the best in distance learning."

Dr. Charles Roberts

"I have nothing but praise for Whitefield Theological Seminary. First of all, it is designed to serve the local church and not usurp it. In a day of apparent para-church primacy and seminaries operating outside of the umbrella of the local church, it is refreshing to see WTS’ insistence on the church as the pillar and ground of the truth."

Rev. James Butler

"If all you want is letters after your name, you can pencil them in. If you want to be prepared for service without the shortcuts for the highest glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom, WTS is unmatched."

Rev. Reid Ferguson

Most Common

What are your doctrinal standards?

Whitefield Theological Seminary & College holds to the Westminster Standards, which include the Confession of 1647, Larger and Shorter Catechism. Click below for a summary of the distinctive nature of those doctrines.

The tuition cost for an Associate is $6,000. Bachelor degrees range from $12,000 to $12,400. Master degrees range from $3,995 to $11,895. Doctorate degrees range from $7,995 to $15,890. These fees do not include books or various one-time charges like graduation, mentoring, and testing. We offer two payment plans: (1) Prepaid Full Tuition (15% discount) or (2) a minimum monthly payment of $80. You can adjust the amount to pay off your tuition sooner. See the Seminary Administrative Bulletin and College Catalog for more details.

The programs are self-paced. The majority of your work will involve listening to lectures (mp3), reading books, and writing. Graduate students are required to interact with a mentor. Graduate oral exams can be done in person (Lakeland, FL) or online using Zoom.

In short, no. The state of Florida authorizes Whitefield to grant degrees. The primary reason an educational institution desires accreditation by a government agency, or a private agency approved by the (USDOE), is to receive federal and state funding. Accreditation does not address issues of ‘truth’ or ‘quality’ or ‘competency’ in the educational enterprise when it comes to Christian education and ministry. Whitefield strives to maintain its independent educational status as a church-sponsored institution, free from governmental interference and entanglement while accountable to its ecclesiastical authority. See the Seminary and College Catalogs for more details.


Everything you need to know about the Seminary and College is in the PDFs below. For prospective Seminary students, read the Catalog and Administrative Bulletin. You must read these documents carefully, for they not only explain what is involved but you will be required on the application to sign an agreement that you will abide by the guidelines and policies.

Seminary Catalog

Outlines all aspects of the Seminary including General Administration, Academic Information, and Degree/Course Descriptions.

Seminary Admin Bulletin

Supplement to the Catalog that includes Tuition fees, Non-Tuition Fees, Faculty Information, and a List of Whitefield Alumni as of 2010.

College Catalog

Outlines all aspects of the College including General Administration, Academic Information, Degree/Course Descriptions, and Fees.


Mr. Jason L Bradfield, M.A.

Interim President
Assistant Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church

Office Address:
1605 E Gary Rd
Lakeland, FL 33801

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 6321
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Whitefield Theological Seminary is an Affiliate institution of the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. As such, it participates in and contributes to collegial and professional development activities of the Association, and is committed to the quality of education ARTS promotes. Affiliate status does not, however, constitute, imply, or presume ARTS accredited status at present or in the future.

Reformed theological education has been on the decline in America and around the world since the latter part of the nineteenth century. Many of the institutions which were established to provide a solid Reformed education, especially in training ministers of the Gospel, have been subsequently compromised. Ineffective leaders quickly sold their birthrights for the mess of pottage of the more popular systems of theology. These institutions, while remaining evangelical, have abandoned the distinctives of the Reformation. As a result, the pulpits of our churches are too often manned by graduates trained in defective theology by defective institutions. These graduates preach an impotent gospel, leaving the church without the hope of continued Reformational teachings and practices, and leaving lay leaders with little or no truth: My people perish from a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).

If there is any hope for reformation in America and elsewhere, the Church of Jesus Christ must once again produce pastors who boldly proclaim the whole counsel of God with the anointing of His Spirit. We must establish theologically-sound institutions that meet the present educational needs of the church, and seek to train a new generation of ministers in the old, time-honored, biblical tradition. The mission of Whitefield Theological Seminary is to return to the historic theology and methodology God has blessed.

We are dedicated to training pastors, students and Christian laymen in the theological standards of the Reformation. We are training godly men who are faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, who will stand on the principles of God’s Word and who will not compromise the Gospel. We seek men who have a vision for the future, and a world-and-life view which seeks to bring all things under the Crown Rights of King Jesus.

We invite all those who are of like mind to join us, to become part of the future and to begin a new reformation. Come, labor with us to build the Kingdom of God.

Your servant in Christ,

Dr. Kenneth G. Talbot
Founder & First President (1954-2022)

Whitefield Theological Seminary holds to the Westminster Standards which includes the Confession of 1647, Larger and Shorter Catechism. Below is a summary of the distinctive nature of those doctrines.

The Doctrine of Scripture

We believe that the Scriptures, of both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God written. The Bible is the complete revelation of God’s will for salvation, and the ultimate authority on all issues of life, faith, and practice of the Christian religion. Therefore, it is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it promises.

The Doctrine of God

We believe in one God, Creator of all things, holy, infinite, perfect, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is sovereign in His power and purpose and has graciously purposed from eternity to redeem a people for Himself and to make all things new for His own glory.

The Doctrine of Creation

We believe that the Holy Scripture speaks of creation as an act by God in six consecutive, twenty-four hour days. The Bible speaks of all things created as originating from God, be it plant, animal, or man. God simply spoke all creation into existence because it is the eternal purpose of God being represented of His Divine handiwork. However, only man is created in the image of God.

The Doctrine of Man

We believe that God created Adam and Eve (our first parents) in His own image. That Adam by the volition of his own free will did sin against God in the Garden and thereby has brought the curse and wrath of God upon all mankind since he was our federal representative (original sin). All men are born in sin, under its bondage, and cannot be reconciled to God apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ being applied to him through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.

The Doctrine of Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in two natures. He was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate. We believe that Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, shed His blood on the cross as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins. His atoning death and victorious resurrection constitute the only ground for salvation.

The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Spirit’s work to regenerate sinners, and by Him they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted as heirs in the family of God. He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.

The Doctrine of Hell

We believe that God has prepared a place of eternal torment for those who reject His offer of salvation through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. That hell is literal and a place that in the end of time will ultimately be cast into the lake of Fire at the last judgment.

The Doctrine of the Church

We believe that the true church comprises all who have been justified by God’s grace through faith alone, in Christ alone, for their salvation. The elect are united by the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ, of which He is the Head. Christians are members of the visible Church by being under authority of the Word and Leadership of a particular congregation. There are two sacraments that were given by the Lord Jesus Christ to His Church: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the church in genuine faith, these sacraments confirm and nourish the believer as a public means of grace.

The Doctrine of Christian Living (World View)

We believe that God has given to mankind the duty to take dominion over His creation so that in all things God is honored and glorified. From the beginning of creation, God created man to worship and serve Him. As a result of God’s justifying grace, we are called as believers to live a separated life unto God according to the Law of God’s Word. We have been called to make disciples among all the nations of the earth by preaching, teaching, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the duty of believers to seek to apply the principles of God’s Word to every area of life; to bring all things under the Crown Rights of Jesus Christ seeking the transformation of our culture.

The Doctrine of Last Things

We believe in the personal, bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ at the consummation of history. The dead, consisting of believers and non-believers, shall be raised up in final judgment. Those who are saved shall be raised up unto everlasting life and those who have rejected Christ unto eternal damnation. We believe that it is the current duty of the Church (Christians) to expand and build the Kingdom of Christ wherein Christ shall be the head of all things unto all men.