Training a New Generation of Christian Students Around the World in the Historic Theology of the Reformation

College Method of Study

Whitefield College’s external study courses employ a tried and proven method of study that offers a rigorous yet interesting method of acquiring knowledge. We seek to take increasing advantage of the swift communication and information systems available via email and the Internet. Students will utilize combinations of reading, lectures (Mp3 downloads), and research in their different courses. As is unique to the home school college approach, students are able to study at their own pace and in whatever location is convenient, be it home, work, or during travel.

Typically, courses require listening to and summarizing a series of lectures, reading and reporting on one or two text books, and writing a research paper covering a topic from that course of study. A detailed syllabus is provided for each course, detailing course specific instructions. Because the college’s knowledge of work completed by the student can only be assessed by what is submitted, students should take special care with their work, ensuring that it is presented according to the standards laid out in the booklet, How to Complete and Submit Course Work that is found on the Current Students-Coursework Information on this college website and lays out expectations and provides examples of work.

Although the college does not provide tutors, students are encouraged to locate Christian professionals who are skilled in their own areas of study, and to interact with them about their subjects. Often, a student’s pastor will allow him access to his library for reference and research, and will be able to offer valuable advice and insight. If students have questions relating to the course, they may e-mail the Academic Dean or call the college and speak with a member of the academic staff.


We are continually developing our online campus, where students will place orders for courses and books, locate Internet resources via the Whitefield Online Library, submit completed course work, and make contact with one another using chat rooms and forums. Students may also check their grades and read their grader’s reports on courses submitted.


In order to enable course work to be graded promptly, thus ensuring that students have swift feedback on their academic progress, students submit completed course work using our Internet based course-submission technology. Files for each element of the course (lecture and book summaries, and research paper) are sent through the Internet over a secure encrypted connection to our offices. Once received, course work is graded and a grade report is posted on our secure server where students are able to retrieve them using their assigned username and password. A few courses must be submitted by a mail delivery system.


Students should equip themselves with an up-to-date computer that is capable of accessing the Internet, receive and send emails, and able to play lectures by downloading Mp3 recordings from the website. (Either a PC or Mac is acceptable). We strongly recommend that students use Microsoft Word to complete their course work and, if possible, have a Bible program such as “Logos/Libronix” or “Quickverse”.


Everything you need to know about the Seminary and College is in the PDFs below. For prospective Seminary students, read the Catalog and Administrative Bulletin. You must read these documents carefully, for they not only explain what is involved but you will be required on the application to sign an agreement that you will abide by the guidelines and policies.

Seminary Catalog

Outlines all aspects of the Seminary including General Administration, Academic Information, and Degree/Course Descriptions.

Seminary Admin Bulletin

Supplement to the Catalog that includes Tuition fees, Non-Tuition Fees, Faculty Information, and a List of Whitefield Alumni as of 2010.

College Catalog

Outlines all aspects of the College including General Administration, Academic Information, Degree/Course Descriptions, and Fees.


Mr. Jason L Bradfield, M.A.

Interim President
Assistant Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church

Office Address:
1605 E Gary Rd
Lakeland, FL 33801

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 6321
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Whitefield Theological Seminary is an Affiliate institution of the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. As such, it participates in and contributes to collegial and professional development activities of the Association, and is committed to the quality of education ARTS promotes. Affiliate status does not, however, constitute, imply, or presume ARTS accredited status at present or in the future.