Training a New Generation of Christian Students Around the World in the Historic Theology of the Reformation

Seminary Testimonials

When it comes to education by extension, Whitefield Theological Seminary is second-to-none. Putting aside for a moment the orthodox teaching, comprehensive degree programs and affordable cost, where Whitefield really excels is through the model of seminary they currently embrace. Allowing students to remain at home, so that they may study at their own pace, while also getting hands-on training in the local church is not just a return to the past, but in our information age, I am convinced it is the wave of the future. Too often young pastors return from seminary with a hefty load of knowledge, surpassed only by a hefty load of debt; all the while lacking any real life ministerial experience. This is an on-going problem Whitefield looks to correct. This is a seminary that shapes the hearts and minds of those who desire theological training and by God’s grace will continue doing so for many years to come.

Rev. Dave Lescalleet, M.Div.
Affiliation: Independent Reformed

Whitefield Seminary has provided a challenging opportunity for me to achieve my seminary education. The curriculum focuses on Scripture as interpreted from a historic Reformed perspective. I have been encouraged by the textbooks chosen by Whitefield, many of which are older works often neglected by the church today. The education level I have received reflects the beliefs of our Reformed forefathers who are unfortunately overlooked today as ‘out of date.’ The courses are difficult, but I have learned an enormous amount of information that I have used to prepare class lectures and sermons for our church. Whitefield has helped me to stay in my local church and work as a Ruling Elder. I work on my own time and have the satisfaction of working toward a degree while serving the church. The instructors have been most helpful and are only an e-mail or phone call away. While some of the larger seminaries may be leaning away from conservative Reformed theology, Whitefield has faithfully maintained those doctrines that I myself believe in. The quality of education is better than other seminaries that I have attended and I am confident that God is using Whitefield to prepare me for further ministry. I recommend Whitefield to any student seeking to receive a quality education through distance learning.

Rev. Mark Koller, M.Div.

Affiliation: Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America

I appreciate Whitefield’s doctoral program for several reasons. First, WTS upholds historic, Reformed orthodoxy. In a day when many are seeking the new in theology, Whitefield is exposing me to the old, the tried, and the true. If you want the way of the Puritan theology of Westminster Standards with no apologies, then Whitefield is for you. Second, WTS provides a rigorous program. Whitefield’s doctoral program demands reading, reading, reading, then writing, writing, writing. In a day when academic standards are being lowered, I appreciate Whitefield’s rigorous curriculum. Third, WTS is a relevant program. In a day when many are returning to the truths of the Reformation, it is necessary to study those truths as they were hammered out in their historical context in order to appreciate their contemporary relevance. WTS’s program has taken me back to Luther, Calvin, and the Westminster Divines to sit at their feet to learn theology and to learn the timeless lessons of the work of reformation.”

Rev. Richard Barcellos, Th.M., Ph.D.

Affiliation: Reformed Baptist

For those wishing to pursue theological education there are many options available today and among those is distance or “non-traditional” education. Whether a person is pursuing a first theological degree with no prior training in theology or biblical studies, or if they already have a degree from a Bible college or seminary and wish to pursue further studies, Whitefield Seminary offers the best in distance learning.

I highly recommend Whitefield, based upon my own experience with them and other distance learning institutions, for the following reasons.
First, Whitefield offers a quality education, one that you can be proud of. With Whitefield, you work, and work hard, for your degree, and in most cases, the Whitefield Seminary graduate has read more, written more, and learned more than those attending “traditional” institutions. Whitefield Seminary is thoroughly committed to a curriculum that is Reformed, Christ-centered, and rigorously academic.

Second, Whitefield offers you an affordable theological education. Unless you happen to live within reasonable driving distance of a solidly Biblical seminary or Bible college, you will have to move to some other city or state to pursue “traditional” education. The costs of moving, the costs of living in large metropolitan areas, not to mention high tuition costs, room and board, and other expenses, have placed “on-campus” seminary level education out of the reach of many potential students. Training via Whitefield eliminates many of those money related problems. A Whitefield education is not only one of excellent quality, it is also reasonably priced.

Third, Whitefield has a history. For twenty years Whitefield has been about the Lord’s work of training men to serve Him in the areas of pastoral and academic theology and ministry. Some of the brightest and most active ministers and theologians in the United States are Whitefield graduates, thus giving Whitefield Seminary a proven track record of turning good writers, good scholars, and most important of all, good pastors. Whitefield is committed to training men within the context of ministry in the church.

Fourth, the Whitefield curriculum is a good blend of reading, research, and writing, along with multi-media instruction. In addition to assigned reading and research, there are both audio and video taped lectures for the student, thus giving him that “inside the classroom” experience that is lacking in other distance education programs.

Fifth, the Administration and Faculty of Whitefield Seminary care about their students.

Even though you may live in another state or another country, the President of Whitefield and other faculty members, are as close as your computer or telephone. There is constant interaction and accountability between faculty, administration, and student. There is also the rich blessing of knowing that the folks at Whitefield Seminary pray for their students and encourage them in their work.

I began this short essay by saying that there are many options available today for seminary level education. If you are considering seminary, why not consider a quality, academic, affordable, and solidly Biblical alternative to the traditional method? And why not consider the best: Whitefield Theological Seminary of Lakeland, Florida!”

Rev. Charles Roberts, Th.M., D.Min., Ph.D. (Candidate)
Affiliation: Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church

“Eye-opening,” “life changing,” “challenging,” and “thought provoking” don’t even begin to summarize my experience at Whitefield. Though I was raised in church, studied my Bible and even taught in the church for years, the more I studied at Whitefield, the more I realized I was just a babe in Christ. My eyes began to open on day two of my first class and continued through the final day of my last class. Attending Whitefield has changed my life and ministry. Though studies are done through distance learning, it is still extremely personal. One day I hope to continue my education. If I get that opportunity, Whitefield is the only place in the world I would consider.

Mrs. Beth Montgomery, M.A.C.S.
Affiliation: Presbyterian Church in the United States of America

I currently hold a M.A.C.S. from Whitefield Theological Seminary and am working toward the M.A.R.. I am moving toward full-time pastoral ministry and have found Whitefield to be a great learning and formation process. I have taken seminary courses locally and found the students to be under prepared in comparison to the rigorous academic Reformed type training that is the Whitefield heritage. I am thankful to God for richly blessing me through this scholarly institution of Divinity.

Steven H. Scherck, Ph.D. (Candidate)
Affiliation: Reformed Anglican

I chose the Whitefield Theological Seminary for a number of reasons.

First, as a senior pastor of a growing congregation, I wanted the most thorough education I could receive to plug the most holes in my knowledge for the highest benefit of those God has placed under my charge. WTS’s courses and standards are second to none, superior to most, extremely rigorous, thorough and deep.

Second, I was looking for an opportunity to earn my degrees (M. Div. / Th. D. ) in a setting that would enable me to do so without neglecting God’s flock here in upstate New York . WTS offers unique flexibility, with an impassioned eye and heart for those in pastoral ministry unequaled in my estimation.

Third, I wanted a seminary track aimed at making me a better shepherd, not merely an academic or divorced from application in the REAL Church world. WTS has those in active local Church ministries as their backbone. WTS isn’t about sterile theory, but real-life ministry.

Fourth, and not to be shuffled aside, I need to be able to afford it. WTS does everything it can to make the very highest quality education available at the most accessible rates possible. They sacrifice the frills so that the students can receive the absolute most from their investment.

If all you want is letters after your name, you can pencil them in. If you want to be prepared for service without the shortcuts for the highest glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom, WTS is unmatched. They’ll work with you, as you work for Him.

Rev. Reid Ferguson

M.Div. Student

Affiliation: Independent – Evangelical Church of Fairport

I have nothing but praise for Whitefield Theological Seminary. First of all, it is designed to serve the local church and not usurp it. In a day of apparent para-church primacy and seminaries operating outside of the umbrella of the local church, it is refreshing to see WTS’ insistence on the church as the pillar and ground of the truth. Secondly, the curriculum is calculated to enhance the student’s learning through a comprehensive method of learning: interaction with the standard Reformed texts, thorough and edifying lectures, and the assignment of projects that cause the student to deal with the text of Scripture. Finally, it is wonderful to receive e-mails from the president of the seminary on Saturday nights informing us that he is praying for the students and hopes we have a good Lord’s Day.

Rev. James Butler, M.Div.

Affiliation: Reformed Baptist

“How blessed is the man who finds wisdom And the man who gains understanding. For her profit is better than the profit of silver And her gain better than fine gold” (Proverbs 3:13-14). Simply stated, my studies at Whitefield have been a joyful fulfilling of this passage. The coursework has led me into a deeper understanding of the systematic truths of the Bible as represented by the Westminster Confession of Faith. Because of this and the good hermeneutical foundation laid, I have become more and more secure in knowing what I believe and why I believe it. I am also better able to interpret and articulate Biblical truth. My world and life view has been and is being transformed and conformed to the truths of the Word of God. I more adeptly recognize Biblical and philosophical error when casually spoken or formally taught; and I am becoming better able to identify the background from which that error has come. I have a love for writing and teaching women’s Bible studies and my ability to do this has grown through the challenging study and writing demands of Whitefield. It would be hard to overstate how blessed I have been by the Whitefield program.

Mrs. Ann Childress, Ph.D.
Affiliation: Presbyterian Church in America

Being a husband of 25 years, a father of three teenagers, and an elder in the Church desiring to serve God in pastoral ministry, I searched long and hard for a seminary that would meet my theological, familial and financial needs. Whitefield Theological Seminary met those needs. Having committed to Whitefield’s rigorous course of study (one of my pastor friends calls it reformed theology on “steroids”), I have benefited greatly and grown significantly in my understanding of the gospel ministry and the reformed faith. My hope and prayer is that I will effectively pass on to Church of Jesus Christ those blessings Whitefield Seminary has passed to me. I heartily recommend to any man studying for the ministry of the Gospel, Whitefield Theological Seminary.

Rev. Charles A. Hickey, M.Div.
Affiliation: Presbyterian Church in America

I come from a Southern Baptist tradition. Through God’s amazing grace, I now know that Calvinism, or perhaps a better word is Reformed Theology, is the Truth spoken of and validated in Scriptures. I know that the Lord led me to Whitefield Theological Seminary and it was no accident. Dr. Talbot, Dr. Higgins, Dr. Musin, and other the professors are some of the finest men I have ever known. The love and care and dedication they give to their students and curricula are unsurpassed. I have dealt with many other teachers, professors, and seminaries, who quite frankly are interested in nothing but your money. Their courses are simplistic and naïve, and the professors just do not care. However, Whitefield Theological Seminary is a jewel, and the courses are like drowning in rich chocolate. More importantly than all of this is the fact that I have met real Christians! Educating true Christians is a passion and zeal for these Godly men because they truly love the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to thank them for giving me an education and fellowship that is worth more than all the riches this old, wretched, and sinful world could possibly give.

Gary Scrimpshire (Deceased)
M.Div. Student
Affiliation: Independent

I entered Whitefield Theological Seminary (WTS) after my theology studies in the British university system; a structure whose programs coerced one, in order to satisfactorily graduate, to suppress ones faith in favor of secular humanism. The notion that, for example, God exists rather than being a fable or that the Bible contains truth, rather than the musings of its first-century authors, required circuitousness in avoiding non-conformity. To attest that a Pauline epistle established any element of truth was therefore a non sequitur; one instead had to argue, that it was Paul’s opinion, that such and such happened and that it might even be supported, in a manner of speaking, by other New Testament writers. And whilst I became adept in such obfuscating tomfoolery, I was no longer inclined to exclude God and His Word from those of my final doctoral studies; on the contrary, they were to be an integral part of it.

It was with a profound sense of relief that I was divinely led to WTS, with its emphasis on the views of the Reformation patriarchs, scholars and theologians, which would become the home of my doctorate. And whilst I did not consider myself a Reformer per se, in the theological sense, I had oftentimes sided with their views and wondered what progress had actually been made by our modern day ‘heavyweight’ theologians [1] since then? Thus I found myself in the midst of a community of believers at WTS where I finally had a sense of belonging.

A WTS doctorate is no easy option as it requires studious work of a most exacting nature. I found myself immersed in theology of the highest order, devouring copious volumes of works by Christendom’s finest minds [2], to examine, critique and rewrite their views afresh. These, and other voluminous papers, were the most exhaustive, intensive and thoroughly rewarding academic exercises I’ve ever partaken of; and all under the caring auspices of Dr. Kenneth Talbot, a captivating, learned and gifted man of God. Despite many years of study before entering WTS my theology was solidly enriched in this sublime study. Whatever I might have been when I started, I left a thoroughly trained, academically disciplined and practiced theologian.

Those wishing to earn their degrees whilst thoroughly immersing themselves in Christian theology, should in my opinion, look no further than this splendid school of higher learning, impressive God fearing faculty and the very highest of academic standards.

Dr. Paul A. Grafton-Holt, D.A.R. (Whitefield), MA (Chester), BTh Hons (Wales)
Affiliation: Evangelical-Anglican

[1] Bultmann, Barth, Tillich, Wright et al
[2] Clark, Carson, Schaff, Calvin, Hall, Henry, Bloomberg, Beale, Fairburn, McGrath, Parker, Shaw, Mitchell, Waters, O’Brian, Crampton, Gerstner, Edwards et al


Everything you need to know about the Seminary and College is in the PDFs below. For prospective Seminary students, read the Catalog and Administrative Bulletin. You must read these documents carefully, for they not only explain what is involved but you will be required on the application to sign an agreement that you will abide by the guidelines and policies.

Seminary Catalog

Outlines all aspects of the Seminary including General Administration, Academic Information, and Degree/Course Descriptions.

Seminary Admin Bulletin

Supplement to the Catalog that includes Tuition fees, Non-Tuition Fees, Faculty Information, and a List of Whitefield Alumni as of 2010.

College Catalog

Outlines all aspects of the College including General Administration, Academic Information, Degree/Course Descriptions, and Fees.


Mr. Jason L Bradfield, M.A.

Interim President
Assistant Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church

Office Address:
1605 E Gary Rd
Lakeland, FL 33801

Mailing Address:
P. O. Box 6321
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Whitefield Theological Seminary is an Affiliate institution of the Association of Reformed Theological Seminaries. As such, it participates in and contributes to collegial and professional development activities of the Association, and is committed to the quality of education ARTS promotes. Affiliate status does not, however, constitute, imply, or presume ARTS accredited status at present or in the future.